Our introduction to keeping chickens, the high's, the lows and pics of our journey.

Oh yeah, Scott, I almost forgot. Here's a pic from yesterday.
was the day overcast, and the brighter area the sun?
I have my head in that brooder box at least a few times a day, but for some reason tonight all I could see was a sea of spiky little combs looking back at me!

I really hope we don't have an overwhelming numbers of cockerels........again!
Well the new photo's didn't happen!

Things had been going really well (aside from the comb fest that seems to be going down in our brooder)

Sadly, today we came home from the school run to find a SLW had passed away. Not really sure why. I did notice at lunch it was not very vigorous, but just thought it was nap time.

Now the other 9 are on an even closer watch list.

In the main flock, Rosie is moulting again, brown feathers everywhere, started the day after we did a big run clean out of all the white feathers...always the way I guess.

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