Our new chicks are here

Larry in Hawaii

In the Brooder
Mar 27, 2015
Big Island, Hawaii
We ordered 15 long horns and 15 black rocks from Murray McMurray and they arrived the other day. We are keeping a dozen and selling the others to friends. We are keeping all of them under light for now and wondered how long I need to do that. We live in Hawaii and our area is warm (low 80's) during the day and low 70's at night. I have been told to start decreasing the light so they will feather out faster.

They gave us one free hen and I am not sure what breed she is..cute. All light brown with a wide wide black stripe down the back of her head and back to the tail.

You can start decreasing light at about two weeks. I take mine off of heat at a month old if it is warm outside. Since I live in Louisiana they do rather well that way. In the winter I wait until they are fully feathered

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