Hi, I'm new-ish here (but quite the lurker
) We got our first nine chicks today from Ideal, and I'm pretty sure I'm hooked!
I'm pretty sure on the breeds of most of these, but wanted to get some verification... and show off my babies of course
This is a white leghorn
Buff Orp
Red Cochin... I think?
Australorp... she is SO sweet and docile already.
Golden laced Cochin... again, I think?
I THINK this is a Red-Shouldered Yokohama?? It's the tiniest of the bunch, but lively... my daughter has adopted this one as "hers" and named it Speckle
This is where it gets tricky... I THINK this is a Golden Lakenvelder... she's big, mean, and red, so my husband wanted to name her Kathy Griffin
Black Cochin?
And this is an Easter Egger/Ameraucana, right?
Glad to be here! All of the information here has gotten me through the harrowing pre-chick-ownership period and my first day with chicks
so thank you all

I'm pretty sure on the breeds of most of these, but wanted to get some verification... and show off my babies of course

This is a white leghorn

Buff Orp

Red Cochin... I think?

Australorp... she is SO sweet and docile already.

Golden laced Cochin... again, I think?

I THINK this is a Red-Shouldered Yokohama?? It's the tiniest of the bunch, but lively... my daughter has adopted this one as "hers" and named it Speckle

This is where it gets tricky... I THINK this is a Golden Lakenvelder... she's big, mean, and red, so my husband wanted to name her Kathy Griffin

Black Cochin?

And this is an Easter Egger/Ameraucana, right?
Glad to be here! All of the information here has gotten me through the harrowing pre-chick-ownership period and my first day with chicks

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