Our puppy is HERE!!!!

She actually just yelled at me! 🤣
By the way, some of her skin is so red because she has allergies. We are in the process of figuring out what she is allergic to....for now she is on medication from the vet.
She could be allergic to chicken. Sterling is on a special diet because of that. According to the feed store, he's "vaccine injured".
That's what our vet said. She is on a all lamb diet right now.
That's what Sterling is on. Sadly, we might have to put him back on his old food. It's getting too expensive because the price went up. He alone is now costing more than all my birds put together as far as feed. :(
That's what Sterling is on. Sadly, we might have to put him back on his old food. It's getting too expensive because the price went up. He alone is now costing more than all my birds put together as far as feed. :(
Dogs can get soooo expensive. 💔 Sorry to hear that.

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