Our Silkie cockeral is knocking on heavens door


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 12, 2014
Can anyone offer some advice please?
I have a 6 month old silkie cockeral who has always been of pretty good health up until this past week or so.
He started sleeping seperate from the other chickens at night, that was probably the first sign of something being amiss,
This week he's been less active.
Sitting in the coop all day, slouched over. His feathers on his head were quite puffy and obstructing his vision quite a bit so I gave them a small trim around the eyes so he could see better and
He was responding to hand feeding and started getting energy back again so I put him back outside hoping that he was getting over his issue.
I went out there again today and noticed him slouched over again so I picked him up (he is usually to fast to even catch) and there is nothing to him.. He's so underweight and he stunk so bad.. His bottom was covered with dioreah so I brought him inside and "cleaned him up".
Now he's sitting inside wrapped in a towel where it's warm, he won't eat or drink on his own so I've had to force feed him and get fluids into him, he won't open his eyes and he's so lethargic.
Have any of you seen anything like this?
I'm not sure if he's going to make it through the night.
Is there anything else that I can do?
Thanks in advance!
What does the poo look like? Do you have access to a vet?
Do you have any vitamins or electrolytes to give him? Probiotics or yogurt?

Just some ideas u till other BYCers wake up here.
Thanks for your reply,
It's late at night here at the moment, so no vets til tomorrow.
We just lost the poor guy :(
At least he's not in pain anymore.
Thanks for your advice x
The rest seem fine at the moment but I'll have a closer look at them tomorrow just in case.
The whole flock is up to date with worming at the moment.
After he died green mucous came out of his nose and around his eyes- I've never seen that before..
Maybe a respiratory infection?
His eyes were closed tonight, but there was no discharge prior to death..

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