Our TP climbing frame/ chicken run


6 Years
Jul 29, 2013
Hi I'm in the uk and new to keeping chickens. I just want to show you all our chicken coop/ run. It was my bfs idea but I've constructed most of it. Please let me know what you think of our space saving idea :)
Hi fellow Brit, sending
from Leeds.

Your coop is really nice. I especially like your tire idea. I never thought of that but will do the same for my chickens - I bet they will love it.
My friend gave me the idea to keep mites away but ours don't seem to use it, I'm going to leave it in there for a couple of weeks and then take it out if they don't use it.
Maybe if it had soil in it they would use it? Mine have the whole garden to play in but always end up at the side under the hedge in a dirt hole they dug. I don't re-fill them so its been getting deeper and deeper. It's almost too deep for them now lol. I'm expecting to have a missing chicken one day and find her stuck in the hole awaiting rescue loool.
Lol. I did notice 1 digging at the dirt then laying in it. I may aswell take the tyre out as its just taking up space

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