Our Very First Egg 🎉


May 23, 2022
We have our first egg and I'm thrilled.

I knew she was going to lay soon, she's been getting redder in the face and had started making clicking noises.

Yesterday she was in and out of the coop all day which she doesn't normally. This morning when I went to check on her and she was in the coop clucking and cooing so I left her but I've checked a few times and she was finally back out so I checked the nesting boxes and the little superstar laid an egg!

Now to the questions.....is this egg okay? Is she ok? I know the first egg can be a little odd but it's like a torpedo!


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Congratulations on the first egg! Isn't it amazing that something so "ordinary" can be so exciting?

I wouldn't worry about the egg -- once in a while, a couple of my adult girls still lay "torpedoes." I think that with a little more practice, she will get the shape right. Or, she won't. I can tell who laid some of the eggs here purely by their shape. My Columbian Wyandotte, for example, lays nearly round eggs -- no pointy end at all -- while my Speckled Sussex produces eggs with a Very Pointed End.

Again, hurray for you and hurray for your little superstar!
Congratulations on the first egg! Isn't it amazing that something so "ordinary" can be so exciting?

I wouldn't worry about the egg -- once in a while, a couple of my adult girls still lay "torpedoes." I think that with a little more practice, she will get the shape right. Or, she won't. I can tell who laid some of the eggs here purely by their shape. My Columbian Wyandotte, for example, lays nearly round eggs -- no pointy end at all -- while my Speckled Sussex produces eggs with a Very Pointed End.

Again, hurray for you and hurray for your little superstar!
Thats brilliant thank you!

Honestly I can't remember the last time I was so excited or proud🤣 she's such a superstar.

She has just done a really waterer poop, is that normal? I'm so worried about her but she keeps running over to me for treats so she can't be too bothered.
Thats brilliant thank you!

Honestly I can't remember the last time I was so excited or proud🤣 she's such a superstar.

She has just done a really waterer poop, is that normal? I'm so worried about her but she keeps running over to me for treats so she can't be too bothered.
is the poop runny or is it clear like water? How long has it been for?

My duck did a lot of watery poops around the time of her first egg. It was due to being off food before she laid, she was only drinking water. Sometimes it can cause a little discomfort/pain leading up to it. She was fine after the egg was out and poops returned to normal.
First eggs are exciting, congrats!
I'm such a worrier her poops were a little off yesterday but I thought she was going to start laying soon and that might be why. The day before had been fine, I witnessed a fair few normal ones. Yesterday she was clucking away and in and out of the coop so maybe it's been a bit of a struggle for the poor girl.

The only reason I knew it had happened was because I was stood there when she did it.

I'll watch her today and make sure she's eating and drinking.

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