our young silkie has just collapsed please help we are fibding this very distressing can anyone help


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 15, 2012
hi we have a sick silkie we have triesdto give her sugar water off the teaspoon she took a little then ,we tried to give her a syringe but this has not helped although we got it down ,her head is very low and her neck is trying very hard to help her breath we put her back in her box and she collapsed we got her back out and rubbed her and she came back but we dont know what else to do she is just wasting in front of us making a rasping noise which is awful to listen to although she has not sneezed in a long while
You need to give more details - when did the problem(s) start ? You mention sneezing .... doe she have any discharge from nostrils, eyes?

Are you giving her antibiotics ?

The more information you can provide - the more people here can help you.

Best of luck!

no on her eyes one is shut the other is ok alert she has no nastiness from her nose either but she did start to sneeze about three days ago just one in the morning then i notied there was featthers in the coop and the other silkie was pecking at her neck the sick chick just let her do this so i took the sick chick away later i put her back only to find she had not goneinto the coop with rest of the chicks but was in the corner on her own again i put her to bed but she was just limp she hadnt eaten or drank her cough has stopped but her breathing is laboured and she falls over unless you put her down in the corner we are now holding her and although she is trying to sleep her breaths are still laboured and you can hear what i think maybe a weeze or snore
If she has a recent history of sneezing and coughing she may have a respiratory illness and she may now have pneumonia. At this point, with her having that much trouble breathing, I'm sorry to say you may not be able to save her without a vet and even then maybe not. She would need antibiotic's and fluids asap. You need to keep her in a warm place with a heat lamp, especially at night, it's always worse then. The vet would do sub-Q fluids, that really helps them a lot. If you cannot get her to a vet who will see a chicken then you need to keep giving her water with the syringe or a dropper. Just be careful, only a little at a time. Maybe put some Sav-A-Chick electrolites in the water. She'll likely definitely need antibiotic's though if she's to get past this.

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