Out of Chick Feed


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2015
West Central Florida
Oh no! Somehow I missed that I was low on chick feed and tonight I used the last of it. They'll be out probably by tomorrow morning. Will they be ok until I get off work around four tomorrow or do I need to run to TSC right now?

I'm probably sounding paranoid but I don't want them to starve.
If its not too late, I would just give them treats like watermelon or scrambled egg. Just make sure they always have access to water.
Do you have other chickens? You can use some of their feed.

Or.. Just give them some healthy stuff if they are old enough and have some grit available...

Fruits / veggies / yogurt / oatmeal, etc.. I wouldn't worry too much about it :)
Oh no! Somehow I missed that I was low on chick feed and tonight I used the last of it. They'll be out probably by tomorrow morning. Will they be ok until I get off work around four tomorrow or do I need to run to TSC right now?

I'm probably sounding paranoid but I don't want them to starve.

also if you know anyone who owns chickens you could try borrowing some from them
I think they'll be ok. My chicks have finished their food in the evening, and they were still alive :p. Just make sure they have fresh water.
Do you have other chickens? You can use some of their feed.

Or.. Just give them some healthy stuff if they are old enough and have some grit available...

Fruits / veggies / yogurt / oatmeal, etc.. I wouldn't worry too much about it :)

well if they are chicks, you can't give them adult food
They're only two and a half weeks old. No other chickens.

Thanks, I saved a little in the bottom of the bag to top off the food tomorrow. Hopefully they'll be just fine. They just always act like they're starving to death, even when their food is full!

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