So I didn't anticipate that I would get addicted to chickens and didn't plan for much more than 6 birds. I now have 3 full growns, 5 eight week olds and am brooding about 12 more...YIKES! So...I have a couple of options and was hoping you could help me make the best decision. The place in my yard where I have the coop and run is very shady so the heat and direct sun is very minimal, that being said, I have a metal shed that's 5x10 that I could convert into a big coop and everyone would fit nicely in it. I would probably leave one door to the shed open all the time so they had access to the run. In the coop I have now, which is a playhouse converted into a coop, I could move it and create a yard/run for the younger chicks until they graduate to the adult coop. What do you think??? Will the metal shed work? I plan to line the floor with DE and shavings and then put in the roosts and nest boxes so they are easy to get to. I just don't want it to get too cold in there in the winter, especially leaving the door open, even cracked for them to still get to the yard.