Out of the brooder and into the pen


10 Years
Dec 21, 2009
Our golden sex links are three weeks old today and they have quickly outgrown the rubbermaid brooder tub. The last time I faced this problem, I simply converted the Chicken McMansion into a brooder coop and moved everyone out there. But there are now four teenage Rhode Island Reds (9 weeks old) the little ones would not stand a chance in the coop right now, so alternate plans were necessary.

Several years ago when I first started getting interested in rescue ferrets, I bought a small animal pen. Some of the rescue ferrets are so traumatized by the time our local shelter gets them, they need a lot of time by themselves to calm down. The pen is collapsible with a heavy duty vinyl mat with a lip that has velcro fasteners on it to keep it attached. The bars are 3/4" apart.

When we first brought our pug puppy Gus home, this pen was his first space, and it was of enormous help in housebreaking him. The vinyl liner is easy to scrub clean.

So now it is time for the little girls to give it a whirl.




I installed the brooder light for now, just because they are used to having it, but it's only a 40 watt bulb and during the day I am unplugging it. The bucket has litter in it and gives them a private place to snuggle down and sleep. I secured the fencing hinge points that can be disassembled with with wire ties so nobody can escape. Gus has been particularly interested in the pen this morning as you can imagine, but he's handling it well. He likes chickens and they are as interested in him as he is in them.



As you can see, the girls are growing fast and have significantly feathered up. They are still extremely vigorous and are doing very well. I have them on chick rations, and am supplementing that with chick scratch and corn grits mixed with just a pinch of sand. These two are also the biggest mealworm chow-hounds I've ever seen! They do a very frantic "Dance of the Mealworms" as they run around peeping hysterically with a mealworm in their beaks...IT'S MINE!IT'S MINE!IT'S MINE!IT'S MINE!IT'S MINE!IT'S MINE!

Now that I can get better light on them, I'll try and get a video of the Mealworm dance later today....


Thanks Gonzo! I figure they have at least a month in this before they will be ready to hit the coop, so we'll see how well it works out.

I need one of these for when my packing peanuts get too big for the plastic tub I have them in.

Edit to fix spelling and add smile.
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I found mine online originally, but they are now widely available at PetSmart. That vinyl liner is tough, and the chicks really like scratching at it.

This is working quite well. The chicks are a lot less flighty and nervous now that they can see outside of the brooder, and they are much calmer around us now too. They are finally eating out of my hand and that really is progress.

My wife announced names for these two last night; Paris and Nicole....because they are both cute girls that yap a lot and say virtually nothing...

The girls are four weeks old, pullet size and getting restless, and they still need some time in the pen to bulk up to where they can keep up with the RIRs. I caught one of them trying to take a dust bath today in the pine litter, in a spot that was warm from the sun shining in, and it gave me an idea...

I put the brooder lamp back up with a 60 watt bulb in it, and put a box that had cans in it originally, under the lamp with about an inch of sand in it that I sifted out of the run. I let the lamp heat it up, and it did not take long for the girlies to find it...

They have both been in there dustbathing for real all afternoon, and having a blast kicking sand all over each other. This will also eliminate the need to feed them sand as they can get all they need in that box. A little scratch in there, and they are good to go. I won't leave the light on all night, but during the day I'll put it on for a while to heat that sand up for them, and they should be all over it daily from now on.

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Great idea for a sand box! I have that pen also, and it is in my garage with 39 chicks in it! I don't have the vinyl liner but I just use a small tarp and it works fine. I lined mine with some poster board around the bottom (about 9 inches up) to keep out the drafts. Sorry, don't have pics at the moment! My chicks are 3 groups of a little bit different ages, but they get along just fine.
VERY cute!

I'm gonna use that warm sandbox idea. Never thought of heating it up for them before! Nice!

PS - Love the names (and the reason behind them)

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