Outdoor brooder .tidewater. Va. Just some pics. Feel free to critique.

nick bulger

5 Years
Mar 5, 2017
I just had to get these chicks out of the house. I used some vinyl fence boards...first time with chicks. Copper and cukoo marans,easter eggers,salmon favorelles, gold and silver laced wynodottes [sp?] speckled sussex silver laced polish buff laced and white crested polish, buff brama and one very friendly barred rock.


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Looks good but the only thing I see ( and I may be wrong) is: is there a place for them to go to get out
of the heat from the lamp if they are too warm? Nice set up!
Looks good but the only thing I see ( and I may be wrong) is: is there a place for them to go to get out
of the heat from the lamp if they are too warm? Nice set up!
Well. The first night i was alittle scared so i hooked uo a second light. I quickly relised that i only neededthe one. Although i have turned the lights off on the hot days they get blasted with full sun for the final few hours of sunlight so i had to hook yp a boxfan.
That's what I was wondering. I enlarged your photos and they look to be feathering nicely. In your area, one heat lamp at one end of the brooder would do very well, especially since you have huddle box in there.
indeed. I have week old and 5 week olds together...and a few in between. I ended up filling up my closet again with day olds...i had to promise not to buy any more.

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