Outside and earthworms for the first time today!


9 Years
Feb 2, 2010
Boulder, Colorado
It was a beautiful day today, so they went outside for the first time! They're almost 1 month old - 2 RIR, 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks, 3 EE's, 1 Buff Orpington



My 3 year old son and I found earthworms for them and they went CRAZY!!! I am SOOO ready for Spring and for them to be outside instead of on our dining room table!
I bet they really enjoyed themselves. They really start to bloom once you get them out of the brooder and on the ground.
Dinning Room table??? My wife would kill me if I suggested brooding them anywhere in the house. Chicks are not allowed in our house for any reason. I am sure glad that my garage is warm enough for the brooder.

I can't wait until mine are old enough to take outside for supervised playtime. It will be a few weeks though because I won't even be getting them until the first couple of weeks of April.
They are cute. i also can't wait till mine can go outside I tried the other day but the went right through the fence
A few more weeks.

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