Oyster Shell Mixed Or Seperate

I've tried both ways and it seems that it just gets spread all around. I haven't seen a single chicken actually eat it. We do save our egg shells and grind them up in the food processor, then add that to the feed. Trouble is that the amount we get from eggs doesn't last very long. Is there another form of calcium that the chickens are more likely to eat than oyster shell? I thought about using bone meal (which is what brought me to this forum), but I don't know if it's safe for chickens. I don't see why it wouldn't be safe for them, but I thought I'd ask before trying it on the flock.
I'm no expert, but people here in Kenya use bonemeal, and i have done in the past. Fortunately almost all my flock are laying, so i give them layers food but i do put additional free choice limestone for them (never touched, but thats ok).

I toss my oyster shell and/or egg shells into the run and let the birds scratch around for them. Same with grit if I supplement with that.

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