Oyster shells?

Ground up oyster shell is to give the hens plenty of calcium to make their egg shells strong. I have always seen it fed free-choice, often in a separate bowl or other type of feeder - the idea is that the hens will eat as much as they need. If you are feeding something like Layena, which is designed specifically to be fed to laying hens, your hens may not need the extra calcium, but it is generally made available to hens of laying age.
It is true that mine really will eat it when they need it. As I had a sick chicken that I gave antibiotics to and it made her eggs a little thinner and then I realized that is why she was pigging out on oyster shells. However, when I give it to them any other time they really aren't all that interested - but at least it is there if they need it. Sometime I just throw a handful out to them on the ground and they will peck at it. You can start offering it young. They will eat it if they can. :)

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