Pack of coyotes circling the coop last night...

I'd try an electric fence first, coyotes can be one of the most difficult animals to trap, in part because anything used to bait a trap for a coyote is more likely to catch a lot of other less wily animals first!A skilled archer with a compound bow might have a good chance with one however after he takes one he's unlikely to get another chance! they are that smart and they're probably smart enough to leave your chickens alone if they think it might have fatal consequences.
a .22 is not that loud
You can apparently purchase predator urine. There is at least one company that sells all kinds, and lists which urine repels which animal. For coyotes, it says wolf urine is what to use. Use coyote urine to repel raccoons. I didn't check the price. Not hard to google and find: "purchase predator urine"
I have my electric fence plugged into one of those timer things. I think I got it at Home Depot. Mine has lots of settings for time on or time off, but it also has a dusk to dawn setting. I use that one and it comes on at dusk and goes off at dawn. Works perfect for night only protection.
Yes if you become proficient at predator control you can then use the bow for controlling the deer population as well. Nothing like venison backstraps for a lean and healthy meal. They can be quite pesky to the garden left unchecked.
Predator urine...That made me snort...exactly how does once "collect" predator urine...

Anyway we had a campfire last night with some friends and our dog actually did her job for once as a guard dog...We all heard a noise crashing around in the woods (it was dark by this time) and our dog went tearing after it, even though I tried to stop her (frankly I think a pack of coyotes would tear her to pieces even though she is a big dog) but couldn't and she was ticked at whatever it was. She was growling and barking ferociously. We were able to shine a flashlight on it and there is disagreement as to whether it was a small coyote or something else. We really were only able to get the light on it's eyes so we KNEW there was something there...

We talked to our friend who has a lot of guns...He has a cross bow he recently purchased apparently. He is willing to come hang out and just see if they come back again and he will take a shot at whatever it is.

I love our doggie! She isn't a great guard dog but last night she was a tough girl. Hell, she even growled at DH before she realized it was him..

Ziggy sounds like a sweet boy!... Our 6 week old chickens are inside today, sitting about 10 feet from me actually in their cage and I have repeatedly had to chase our dog away from them. She really wants to eat them. I finally smacked her butt as hard I as could and she got the message...she is sulking on the couch right now.

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