Little Tala Bug

Feb 19, 2023
I wanted to post about our new pack of five pullets because their arrival was totally eclipsed by the discovery of my missing hen, Henrietta, and her secret nest which hatched this week.

We got the pullets on the same morning we found Henrietta. Settling them into their new run was the way we discovered her nest. The whole reason we had gotten them was because we had a chicken die earlier that month (RIP Ms. Peanut), and then Henrietta vanished. So, with our flock two hens short, chicken math dictated that I needed to source another five 😁

They are called Snow Whitey (Leghorn), Aerith (Skyline), Penelope (Bluebelle), Quistis (Speckeldy), and Beatrix (Rhode Rock).

They have been quite shy yet, but it was a lovely day today so my partner and I got some folding chairs and sat in their run with a bucket of mealworms and just hung out for a while.

They are so beautiful and funny. I especially love Beatrix's iridescent black feathers (her sisters all had rust coloured necks but she was jet black so of course I had to have her), and Aerith's lilac ears (she was much fairer than her other Skyline sisters, who looked more like Cream Legbars). The way they get zoomies around the run with their awkward gangly legs makes my heart sing.

Anyway, that is all. I just wanted to show them some love since I have been so wrapped up in the surprise clutch of babies this week. 20230603_190836.jpg 20230603_191225.jpg 20230603_190415.jpg 20230603_190157.jpg 20230603_190152.jpg

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