Padlock System Design: A better way to raise chickens?

Digital ED and cDawson. I guess news is spreading. I am seeing so many new members. I have a chicken tractor 8x10and it works very well for me.
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Paddocks have advantages over chicken tractors...and chicken tractors have advantages over paddocks. They are different systems with similar goals. If you've got active foragers, good forage and enough square feet/bird, I think a paddock system will be both sustainable and efficient. It'd be great to hear more from someone with a long-term paddock arrangement.
Paddocks have advantages over chicken tractors...and chicken tractors have advantages over paddocks. They are different systems with similar goals. If you've got active foragers, good forage and enough square feet/bird, I think a paddock system will be both sustainable and efficient. It'd be great to hear more from someone with a long-term paddock arrangement.

Anyone else weigh in on this?

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