
Jan 5, 2020
Ontario, Canada
So I had a trio lined up... and now the guy won't get back to me :rant (I pretty sure he sold them to someone else, which I would've been annoyed but shrugged and moved on-if he would tell me....:he it bugs me he is just ignoring me now-plus now I'm racing to find different American buff geese this late) but anywho, I found a place (Apricot Valley Waterfowl Preservation, in ON, Canada) that sells high-quality American Blue and Lavender. Now I have the choice of getting either a pair or trio, and I am wondering what would be best? We do want a decent amount of eggs and goslings from them, so a trio would be good for that, but I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks in terms of trios/pairs!

Also, what colour does everyone think should I get lol (I love them both and can't decide hehe :confused: )? I am considering getting either 1 of each, or 2 and 1 if I get a trio)

Thanks in advance for any advice!
If you want more babies and eggs get a trio, getting two females would help take the load off when mating season comes too. I have a trio and everybody gets along great but a pair would be great too....You're choice

I like the Lavenders personally, So I would get two of them and one blue. Make sure to post some pictures for us when you get them!
I have a pair of American Buffs and they do well. I'd like to get several more but right now they are being such a headache I'm glad I only have the two. lol
what are they doing?

He more specifically than Breeding season is starting and he's on a rampage. I have a one year old Blue Orpington rooster in my bathroom after the gander almost killed him. He did kill a young cockerel last year, although I didn't realize at the time he was the culprit. But after catching him with one of the hens a few weeks later I knew it.

Here's a quote from a post earlier today so I don't have to type it all out again...

"Golly is an experienced chicken killer. He goes for their head, wattles, face, comb, eyes, etc are all fair game. Last year he did enough damage to a submissive hen (instead of running she'd squat and take the abuse) she was unable to open her eyes for three weeks or so. I kept her in a kennel with a huge food and water bowl she couldn't miss. Once the swelling went down and the lacerations from his bill healed she was back to her normal self. Before this he unknown to me killed a young cockerel. I found him with his head crushed in the middle of the yard. I thought something had grabbed him while they were out "free ranging" in the fenced back yard. Golly had a little blood on his face, but he's always into everything so I assumed he'd checked the youngster out and gotten annoyed when it didn't run from him. After the damage to Duchess though he was locked up in a pen by himself. He did the same thing to Suede, but I caught it much sooner. Suede's issue I think was compounded by him spending the first day in thirty degree weather in the rain and then the three other male chickens (and possibly that turkey jake who is getting his big boy hormones and thinks he can take on an angry gander) took advantage of him being "off" to the point where he did that thing roosters do when they lose a bad fight and just give up. So Golly physically wounded him and shattered his pride a bit. The other young roosters went after him and he lost the last bit of confidence spark he had. He's getting minimally better each day. He's certainly better than he was when I got him inside."
He more specifically than Breeding season is starting and he's on a rampage. I have a one year old Blue Orpington rooster in my bathroom after the gander almost killed him. He did kill a young cockerel last year, although I didn't realize at the time he was the culprit. But after catching him with one of the hens a few weeks later I knew it.

Here's a quote from a post earlier today so I don't have to type it all out again...

"Golly is an experienced chicken killer. He goes for their head, wattles, face, comb, eyes, etc are all fair game. Last year he did enough damage to a submissive hen (instead of running she'd squat and take the abuse) she was unable to open her eyes for three weeks or so. I kept her in a kennel with a huge food and water bowl she couldn't miss. Once the swelling went down and the lacerations from his bill healed she was back to her normal self. Before this he unknown to me killed a young cockerel. I found him with his head crushed in the middle of the yard. I thought something had grabbed him while they were out "free ranging" in the fenced back yard. Golly had a little blood on his face, but he's always into everything so I assumed he'd checked the youngster out and gotten annoyed when it didn't run from him. After the damage to Duchess though he was locked up in a pen by himself. He did the same thing to Suede, but I caught it much sooner. Suede's issue I think was compounded by him spending the first day in thirty degree weather in the rain and then the three other male chickens (and possibly that turkey jake who is getting his big boy hormones and thinks he can take on an angry gander) took advantage of him being "off" to the point where he did that thing roosters do when they lose a bad fight and just give up. So Golly physically wounded him and shattered his pride a bit. The other young roosters went after him and he lost the last bit of confidence spark he had. He's getting minimally better each day. He's certainly better than he was when I got him inside."
ahhh, that makes sense lol, we don't have any roosters anymore after our favorite took protecting the laying hens a little too far... hilarious to watch them though-hoping this gander won't take it to the extreme, and even then, the laying hens have a fenced pen they can go into until summer comes (if they will step outside before it warms up at all lol).... hopefully your rooster is okay!
I had 2 pairs and had to rehome my 2 youngest because the 4 of them together would surround a chicken or female duck and pick on her and I knew it was only a matter of time till someone was killed. I kept the two oldest since before the youngsters came they didn’t act up with the other birds. After the young ones left the older 2 were fine again maybe they have gang mentality when more than 2. I called them thugs lol

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