palawan peacock-pheasant hatching eggs

We live in Hutto, Texas. I am thrilled to see that someone in Texas who has Palawan pheasant eggs for sale. I hope that person has chicks available also. Please let me know more about this. Anh Nguyen, (512) 267-0123, [email protected]
Be Careful it is said that folks do not sell these eggs because they are so rare, i would purchase chicks rather than take a chance
Ask for references if this is not a well known breeder like Texas peafowl
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Yes . all peacock pheasant, eapecially.these are some of the rare species rhat do.not handle cold very well. These need heat pretty much for anything under 35-40. Texas will do well with a little winter care. No, do not but eggs. And no one offers chicks on stuff like this. Yearling pairs are all thats available and they are very expensive, thus the reason no one sells them as chicks or eggs. Theres only about 8-9 people that sucessfully breed these each year. Do your home work. Check out GBWF. For actual breeders and more detailed info regarding them
Since you have been raising them for years how many years to they lay? I have a two year old pair that laid a couple of eggs a few weeks back. They were not fertile but she laid a couple of more eggs and these appear to be fertile. I got my fingers crossed that that they will continue to develop. Also can they only be kept in pairs and not trio's?
General rule of thumb for newcomers to pheasants, respectable and honest breeders who have the more rare bird species will not sell eggs or chicks, people tend to gravitate towards eggs or young chicks for the price but in the long run it becomes costly and disappointing in most cases. Buying juveniles or adults is a much better move.

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