palawan peacock-pheasant hatching eggs


Mad Scientist
13 Years
Aug 1, 2009
San Diego, CA
I seem to remember some discussion about palawan peacock-pheasant, and came across these eggs on ebay . Figured if anyone is interested.......
He may also have chicks for sale.
palawans are $650-$1000 per pair for yearling and take 3 years just to color up.
virtually NO ONE sells egg or chicks form these birds due to that, also a peacock pheasant hen usually only lays 2-4 eggs a season anyway, SO I would be very caution about buying eggs, especially if they has to be shipped to you from these type of birds.
They are very hard to incubate from your own stock, much less have any success with them being shipped, also why would you sell eggs for that when they are worth a fortune as 6 month olds.
I'd be very cautious if it were me.
Just my 2 cents, seen this a million times back on eggbid.
Then again, they may be on the up and up
I guess could be sent you a similar egg, and as long as nothing hatches you would never know.

Just figured I saw it and was passing it on as it is unusual.
Palawan are kelp in pairs only the hens will kill each other. And for 9 eggs in the bator it not likely a palawan hen will lay 2 eggs and 2 weeks later she will lay 2 more. Someone going to be very disappointed. I have been raising them for years and you don't raise that many out of a pair that why they are high price and hard to find.
Probably helps when these birds are pictured in the latest National Geographic mag- don't have it in front of me but the pictures are stunning.

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