Pale Faced Yellow Pooping Lethargic Rooster

If you are using the probiotic save a chick, you don’t need the yogurt. Please let us know what they find out tomorrow. Good luck.

I will! I just checked on him after coming home from my dogs training class and he looks a little better already. We closed him into the house part of the sick coop with some food and water earlier to minimize movement and the space between him and everything else and he’s standing up eating and drinking right now. His face also looks a little better, still slightly paler than his comb and wattles, but better. He’s even back to trying to escape the sick coop :celebrate. I know he’s not in the clear yet, but I was so worried he wasn’t going to make it until I got home earlier.

The vet didn’t call :barnie but my rooster is up and moving. His poop is still slightly yellow where it should be white but it’s back to solid and normal shaped. He was even making noises at me earlier and was still trying to escape his coop. We’re going to try to contact the vet again and see when they can come out just to see what’s going on.

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