Panting Pickins


May 14, 2022
I have two 4 week old pekin ducklings, One of them is just fine, but the other one has really bad legs which i’m taking care of with vitamin B complex, He also has a splint made out of that rap, making sure his legs don’t go too far out to the side and both of them are getting yeast in their food to boost Nisen the one with the wonky legs I think just has quite bad Genetics he seems to always be painting my room can get very hot sometimes reaching like 79° but it’s normally at or around 60 I make sure to keep my fan on to give them some air. I can’t bring up an air conditioner till June ( i’m 14 and live with my grandparents grandfather doesn’t wanna have to pay for air conditioning) and from the looks of it, I don’t think his nares are clogged he’s always seem to breathe a little heavier. Any advice also, any tips for giving him vitamin B complex? It’s meant to be an injection for cattle, so it certainly doesn’t taste good and I’ve just been giving it syringe through his mouth which I had a more experience chicken handler teach me how to do( my best friends mom) but every time I give it to him, I get it all over my clothes and my hands, and it stains me yellow is there a treat I could put it in?
@Sophia_luvbug it sounds like you are doing the right things to help your little duckling. If you an take a photo of the legs and post it here, we might be able to offer more guidance.
In answer to your question, it would be less messy to soak the durvet high level VIt B complex into a treat or a few duck crumbles, and then watch the duckling eat it so you know it gets the full dose. I use dried mealworms or dried soldier fly worms as the treat. But for young ducklings that I haven't started on dried mealworms, just soak the Vit B complex in the duck crumbles!

Good luck!
One thing I’ll add is bathing him in deep water where he can’t stand will help him to use the leg without his body weight
This will help to Strengthen his leg
I agree with @ruthhope on meal worms or a little feed
My ducks go crazy for peas so you could do a few peas as well
But need to provide chick grit in a separate bowl when feeding the ducks anything other then the regular feed
This may take awhile to correct but most times of caught early it can be
You could also put on gloves and set a towel on your lap while giving it through syringe
@Sophia_luvbug it sounds like you are doing the right things to help your little duckling. If you an take a photo of the legs and post it here, we might be able to offer more guidance.
In answer to your question, it would be less messy to soak the durvet high level VIt B complex into a treat or a few duck crumbles, and then watch the duckling eat it so you know it gets the full dose. I use dried mealworms or dried soldier fly worms as the treat. But for young ducklings that I haven't started on dried mealworms, just soak the Vit B complex in the duck crumbles!

Good luck!
Do you have any advise for his wonky breathing?
@Sophia_luvbug can you put up a video? put it on youtube or another platform then copy and paste it here.

Pekins are notorious for overheating but it would be good if we could see a video also give us an idea of your brooder set up.

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