Paralyzed Chicken

Here is some info on Mareks, and

This isn't an emergency, just a helpful tidbit of information to help. Despite what you may have heard, there IS a cure for Marek's Disease. It is a homeopathic remedy called "Hypericum." Hypericum is a small creeping herb that, when used hollistically, numbs nerves and dulls pain. When given to a bird suffering from the symptoms of Marek's Disease, it will cure the bird by working on the theory that "like cures like," in other words, by giving the bird the symptoms it will take the symptoms away. I've used this herb with great success to fully cure birds of Marek's Disease. You can fnd Hypericum at health food stores, $8 for 100 tablets. Hypericum must be diluted before it can be used:

- 1 tablespoon of DISTILLED water per tablet Hypericum (must be distilled water, tap water is ionized and will deactivate the Hypericum)
- MUST be mixed in a GLASS or PLASTIC bowl (metal with react with the water and herb)
- drip 5-10 drops (bantam) or 10-15 drops (large fowl) on the afflicted bird's tongue. Be sure the bird rubs its beak together because the Hypericum MUST touch the sinuses (located on the roof of the mouth) in order to work
- treat every 12 hours (morning and night) with a fresh batch
- recovery may be as quick as 1 day or as slow as several months

The treatment works best if you begin treating early. If you delay treatment, the Hypericum may not work or it may be a very slow recovery. IF YOU OVERDOSE YOUR BIRDS ON HYPERICUM, don't worry. The bird will exhibit extreme symptoms, and make a drastic improvment within a 24 hours. Hypericum is also helpful for pain. Only treat birds that are showing symptoms.


Check your flock history. Marek's Disease affects birds as early as 6 months of age. Symtoms occur most commonly between 6-8 months of age; however, any age bird can become sick, it just becomes less common with age. The incubation period is 2 weeks.

SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: sudden death (fairly common), depression (common), gradual weight loss (fairly common), neck paralysis (not common), paleness (in conjunction with other symtoms), wing paralysis (common), leg paralysis (most common), star-gazing (fairly common), extreme sudden emaciation (rare), mishapen pupil (not common), gray iris (not common), crazy behavior (rare), unresponsive (common), internal tumor growth (not common), tumors on feather follicles (not common), fearful (not common)

Hope this helps someone!!!
Last edited by MoodyChicken (02/20/2009 12:21 am)
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#2 02/20/2009 12:18 am
Wanna-be Farmer

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Re: Marek's Disease
is this something found in huma
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I started giving my chickens the hypericum last night. I have not seen any change yet but I am going to keep trying... If this does not work- Do I need to get rid of them? Will they eventually die on their own? I have 3 other adult chickens and also another baby that was with my two sick ones till I separated them. I bought the 3 babies all together. ( two have Mareks & 1 seems fine right now) The adults are fine so far but I am nervous my other chickens will get Mareks as well. If anyone has any more suggestions or thoughts, I would love to hear. Thanks!
I am treating my bird, not sure if it is mareks. She is unable to walk, started with hopping on one leg and progressed over the week. She is eating fine, alert, still laying eggs. When giving the hypericum, do I wait until the Hypericum is completely dissolved in the water? I got 300mg capsules, is that the dosage you are referring to? Did anyone have a bird get this that was vaccinated against this? I am also giving her asprin in case it is due to nerve damage from laying a big egg as the vet suggested. (5grains of asprin is approx. 1-325mg tab) I split one asprin into 4 pieces and crushed one quarter of the tab and dissolved it into a quart canning jar filled with water and use this for her daily water. Somewhere it said to put 5 aspirin per gallon, but I think that is too much, that is about 25grains/gallon. What has been your experiences? Anyone?? Thank you.
sorry i have no answers but just to say this has happened to mine 2 days ago exactly the same im baffled i thought she may have had a stroke or something shes an ex battery hen 2 years old but still bright and eating although i too had to encourage her to drink
Pardon me for chiming in, but my 7 month old buff orpington hen just decided to become paralyized on this past Sunday afternoon. She was fine in the am. She was laying down in the grass, and could no longer walk. Her eyes were clear, her comb look red and usual. She also decided she would not eat or drink either. So... reading and trying everything i can. I'm almost certain she will not live thru the night, but gave the ST,. Johns wort a college try. I'm not sure if it got on the roof of her mouth because I had to use syringe, and I have not a clue about a chickens tongue. So who knows? I didn't expect her to last thru last night without eating or drinking. I was all day yesterday every few hours feeding her what water i could get her to take, and she did eat a bit of yogurt and some raisins. but thats it. So.. fingers crossed, but hopes low. Will let yall know.
I have a beautiful silkie roo that has the same problem, he's 7 months old, he can move his legs but can't stand, he's very ill, he can't open his eyes, I wish he's okay but his condition is getting worse
OK. I am going to preface this with the fact that I have ducks not chickens. But for two years my little welsh harlequin, was absolutely fine, then all of he sudden this year, she has had several paralysis
episodes that have been related to laying.

The first time it happened, I though I was going to loose her and I attributed the problem to botulism, although I am a daily cleaner of both paddock and house, so I couldn't even imagine how there could
be a source of botulism, but like the rest of you, her symptoms came on very fast. She had been happy and healthy right up until and then, went wobbly, followed by not being able to walk and her wings flopping.
I went to my Holderread book and read the worst. Yes, there is a cure, but most of the time it didn't work. Well, Princess is a particular favorite of the families, so I certainly was going to try the remedy.
1 lbs of Epsoms salt to 5 gallons of water.

I was a bit tentative, so I mixed up 1 gallon of water with 3.2 oz. of epsom's salts. By the time I got this far, her neck had drooped and I thought she was unconscious, But determined to say I had really tried, I had my son hold her body up and I carefully inserted the needle nipple down into her crop. I administered 8 ml three times over the next three to four hours. I left her in the convalescence tub in the kitchen, fully expecting to find that she had passed by the next morning.
I happened to wake up at about 3 am and thought, I'd go take a quick look. I was rewarded with a duck standing up in the tub and hissing at me for disturbing her rest.

The second time it happened I only had to administer 2 doses, as I caught it before she was beyond the wobbly. This last time, it took two again.
I have been researching and researching to find something on this, to both solve my problem and because this seems to be popping up with more and more frequency both with the chickens and the ducks.

One thing that I have found which you can investigate more fully for your own situation, is that when ducks and chickens are not getting enough calcium and magnesium sulfates (Epsom's salts) in their diet, they steal it from the rest of their body and this causes havoc on the muscle and nervous system. It can readily produce these kinds of symptoms. Based on the results I have gotten with Princes and knowing that each time, after the episode she has laid a larger than usual egg for her, I am almost certain this is what is happening with her.

I believe I have linked this situation to the fact that I moved to an all organic layer's mash this year. I believe that there is an imbalance in the mix which is causing the issue. I tested this theory by moving to half vegetarian layer's pellets and half of the organic mash and adding free choice oyster shell. Princes had two episode within a week of each other on the organic mash only. The third episode happened 1 and 1/2 months after that, and I realized I had oopsed and not refilled the oyster shell bowl for several days and it was all but out.

Hope this helps others.


I think my two young chickens have mareks disease... They are willing to eat and drink but are acting paralyzed! It is so sad and I do not know what to do... Is there a cure? Will they eventually die? They are only 3 months old. They were perfectly fine last Friday and on Saturday morning could not walk. I bought them from a local feed shop and do not know if they were vaccinated. Is there anything I can do?
I have a flock with CRD and one is now exhibiting Marek's - like paralysis...I can't win with chickens, they all have least I got one viable egg

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