"Partridge" color

If they have been trained for hunting they wont hurt a feather on your chickens. They will retrieve them, but wont hurt them.
With my experience with Vizslas is they are very gentle. And they have a soft mouth. I was fostering a puppy though that saw my pigeons and went kinda nutso.
Kinda gotta watch them till you know how they react. Good for you for adopting one. I just love the breed. Just work with her and be patient and I am sure you wont have any problems. I think they are so wanting to please us humans that is the most important thing for them. Especially the rescue ones.

Thanks for the compliment. That is a picture a friend of mine gave me to put in my avatar. I had a female Vizsla that passed away 3 years ago. And I have a Vizsla cross now.

ETA O forgot to add, I recomend a strong leash when you first introduce her to the chickens. They are bird crazy and if she hasnt been trained for hunting she could go a little nutso over the birds.
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I LOVE my partridge rocks but ditto Julie's comments, that pic is a SHOW quality bird and a bantam.

Pet quality production partridge rocks actually produce a wide variation on the partridge pattern you see there. Some like Welsummers will have a pronounced lighter central quill - big fault. Some will have the "lacing" heavier, some lighter, some birds will have that lacing "broken up" or speckled. I have some actually good laced hens but most have some significant degree of variation from the standard.

Of the three cockerals I kept, one is significantly orangish, a major nono. The other two fall into the good dark bay mahogany range and are gorgeous boys. My darkest girls and guys all had a dark bronze front to their legs, still do. Getting rid of the orange guy. Can't use him.

I love them. It's kind of fun to see fuzzies turn into juvenille feathers and then finally into mature coloring. Lots of changes to go through before you see what you have! On the Plymouth Rock Club website there is a pdf with a copy of the written standard with great information and good sketches. Don't print it unless you have a ream of paper, it's about 200 pages long.

Only about 30 pages of it apply specifically to partridge as a color.

They're a great breed. Finding show and heritage quality birds is well.... nigh on impossible... So most folks start from the ground up unless they live near one of the show breeders.

Even pet quality they're good solid, friendly birds.
It's actually penciling, not lacing. Unfortunately, there are several types of penciling that, while they use the same term, are not the same. With partridge, the penciling is concentric to the shape of the feather.
Okay thank god you were here, after going on two months on sleep deprivation I did manage to type the wrong word. LOL think one thing - type another. If this puppy lives she is sooooo gonna owe me sleep...

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