Partridge Rockindottes, GL Brown Leghorndottes, and Wyandiques! Oh my!

off-grid hen

Mar 1, 2011
Upstate NY
My sweet GLW roo died while gallantly defending the girls against who knows what. He was the only grown roo I have, and He was such a sweety that we wanted to incubate some of his eggs. Anyone ever cross these before? I'm sure I'll get some interesting chicks. I was also wondering about comb genetics. He had a pea or walnut comb.. Or is it rose comb with no spike? My brown leghorns have rose combs.

If you have any picks of chicks like these, please post! This will be my first batch of barnyard mutts, it's going to be fun. I have 7 eggs in the mini advance, 2 of each breed and 1 I'm not sure which hen laid it. :)
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Well, I incubated 2 eggs from each breed of hen I have. Started with 7, but one was a dud. All six remaining eggs hatched. The leghorn's chicks look just like their mommies. The Dom crosses have black beaks, black feet, and no dots on their heads. The PR crosses have gold-ish streaking on them, but they were still a bit wet, so I can't tell if they're the PR chipmunk stripes or if they'll look more like GLW streaking like their sire. Pics to follow when they're dried off and in the brooder.

Of course, I know they may feather out completely differently. But this is quite a fun little experiment. These are my first crosses, and first eggs hatched from my own hens. :)
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The red-headed chick partly under the brooder is PR mix, and you can see the two Dom mixes have not dot. One only has yellow on the lower abdomen. The other has a bit of yellow on the chest too.

Of the 3 chipmunks, the one on the "top" (sorry the pic didn't rotate properly) is the other PR mix. The two "bottom" chipmunks are rose comb brown leghorn mixes. None of them has a reddish brown patch on its head. They all have rose combs.

I wonder how many are boys. I'll get better photos when I can use my camera instead of my iPhone.
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These are the CALMEST chicks I have ever seen. Is that because they were hatched at home and didn't have shipping stress? They mostly do what you are seeing in the photo. They don't even freak out when it try to pick them up like all my others have. They just move around to grab a bite to eat and a drink, then just chillax.
If the two black ones do not have the white dot on their head then they are pullets. This would be a sexlink cross (GLW x Barred Rock), barred (White dot on head) equals rooster and solid black (probably will get gold in the neck and breast area) equal pullets.

No way of knowing what the others will be as far as my knowledge goes until they are older.
I did this completely unknowingly. :lol: All the reading I've done on sex links has been about the red variety. I thought for bsl, the ROO had to be barred. Ha!

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