I took one of my white spaldings to Vet for exotics yesterday. It has diarrhea - it gets dizzy and dazed, flys backwards, cries and then later it will acts almost normal - eventually though it does not get back to normal it just gets worse. I have never seen a peachick fly backwards - it is like it is having convulsions/seizures. 2 of its siblings are dead. I have 8 now with these symptoms - all that were in that pen. My chicks in other pens are fine. The tests she took did not show anything - she found one coccidia and 1 round worm egg...I had already gave them Ivermectin. She is sending off a bacteria culture ($180!!) and she gave me sulfamethazole- trimethoprim liquid to give to all 9 of my babies they are 5-9 weeks old. the culture wont be back until mid next week - the babies will be dead by then as it does not appear the antibiotics are relieving diarrhea of anything yet - she said this would take care of the diarrhea and any coccidia ( she only seen -1-)
Does anyone know why they would fly backwards, look dazed and confused - like a seizure?? I need to make sure they are on the right meds...the poop was originally yellowish tan now it is a very dark brown water
Please help save my pea chicks
Does anyone know why they would fly backwards, look dazed and confused - like a seizure?? I need to make sure they are on the right meds...the poop was originally yellowish tan now it is a very dark brown water
Please help save my pea chicks