Pea cock predators and free-ranging


12 Years
Nov 16, 2011
east Tennessee
I want to get just a single Peacock to have around and as a mate for my single guinea hen. But I was wondering how they fare against predators? I believe I read that they fight off fox and coons during day light. But how about hawks? and owls, if he decides to sleep in the trees instead of in the pen? Any other "red lights" that you could bring up would be appreciated.
Yes, he will be ranging.
There is safety in numbers, the more eyes there are to watch the less chance of a wild critter getting them at least at my place, i free range 100's of birds with almost no losses but i have dogs to help keep things safe here.

I have all kinds of owls but they do not mess with my birds, the last time they tried they go nothing so they finely gave up i guess but i hear them all the time.

I would not think they could whip a fox but i know they will follow one if it gets their curiosity going .
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Really, peas aren't going to "fight off" any predators; their only defense is to fly.
I'd say other problematic predators (the ones we have here) are coyotes and bobcats.
I believe that there have been a number of threads dealing with this problem; if you do a search, you might get an idea about other peaowners' experiences with predators.
Good luck!

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