Peacombs ?

To quote the president of the Ameraucana Breed Club: "There is not "I" in Ameraucana."
What you have will likely be "Easter Eggers". They are a mixed breed that some hatcheries sell as a purebred to the uninformed. Nothing wrong with them but they are not Ameraucanas. If you would like to see a picture of peacombs


Or go to the Ameraucana Breeders Club home page. :
Ok so I didn't get them from a hatchery they are of the blue large fowl. Ameraucanas sorry for the spelling earlier. Thats what the lady that bred them said. Now are they supposed to have peacombs or does it depend on breed?
Ok so I didn't get them from a hatchery they are of the blue large fowl. Ameraucanas sorry for the spelling earlier. Thats what the lady that bred them said. Now are they supposed to have peacombs or does it depend on breed?

Yes, ameraucanas have peacombs. Took me a long while to figure out the spelling of araucana and ameraucana, too. It's not all that phonetical if you take into account all the ways people pronounce them--especially the ones with tails

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