Peafowl Poop - Normal and Abnormal - Lots of poop pictures

No that's what I thought first was they have worms I've never wormed before.Yes they are chicken hens & no they are not molting or scared or anything out of the ordinary they are laying well they just have diareah
We use safe guard for goats to worm all our animals here, 1cc per bird for 3 days straight and then repeat in 10 days if they are not on a regular worming schedule
We use Safeguard liquid for goats/cattle or paste for horses at 0.23ml per pound of body weight for five days. That amount will treat almost all worms that birds get. Valbazen is also a good wormer and the Valbazen dose I would use is 0.08ml per pound once and repeat in ten days.

It could be normal, but it can also be a sign of the usual stuff. If it's acting okay, you're probably fine.

Grit can be small pebbles like natural aquarium rocks, course sand or granite, that will aid them in their digestion by grinding up grains in the gizzard any time you feed whole foods you should supply grit otherwise food can get backed up from lack of digestion and a bird can get sour crop

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