Peafowl problem! Please help!


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 16, 2013
I have an 8 week old peafowl who has been doing great up until yesterday. Now she can't seem to stand up and when she does she is very wobbly. Falls backward, but flaps her wings and rights herself. Eating and drinking, can walk, just does it in an unsure manner. What could be wrong??

Go here with your question..not familiar with them. Good luck.
I have an 8 week old peafowl who has been doing great up until yesterday. Now she can't seem to stand up and when she does she is very wobbly. Falls backward, but flaps her wings and rights herself. Eating and drinking, can walk, just does it in an unsure manner. What could be wrong??
Can you post some poop pictures?

SweetPeas11 I'm new with pea's but I belong to a group on Facebook that is fantastic about peas." Peacocks only" Douglas Bufadington runs it. Good luck.
If you can please post the age, weight, diet, housing conditions, and pictures of both the bird and its feces. Make the pics very close ups please. Weight in grams, what feed and amounts, caged or on the ground makes a difference.
Just to be clear, I'm not saying that there aren't good people on that FB page, just that there is lots of misinformation there.


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