Peahen poop..omg and several questions


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Northen Va
Hello all, so we know I got a new peahen a couple of days ago

Omg..why does her poop smell so strong and foul..I mean I have smelled my share of different types of animal poo

But is this normal? My concern..for instance - chickens if they have a super srong odor it can be sign of I need to be concerned with my peahen..or is it stress? Or what?

What do I do with her? I mean..since I put her in her house she isn't venturing out of it?

Do I spend time sitting near her talking to her? Or leave her be? I don't want to stress her more?

She doesn't look as if she is eating or drinking?

I filled a bowel with her food..and it's still full from when she arrived a couple of days ago

Thoughts, suggestions advice on all the above please..

Hmm I don't think peafowl poo smells, but maybe that is just me? I don't think that means there is something wrong.
Yeah she will be a little shy at first. Eventually she will explore her new home some more. They are different from chickens... My peafowl sometimes stay in their tin shelter almost all day. Once when I free-ranged my first peafowl, they would spend like all day in the bushes.
Until that is, when it was time to perch and they would walk to their favorite big oak tree and fly up in the tree to sleep for the night. It should be okay if you start spending time with her. For now give her lots of space when you are in the pen with her. Don't try to walk up to her or anything just stay a good distance and walk slowly. Sometimes if you pretend like you are not paying attention to them it makes them feel better. I have done this a lot. I always looked away from my peafowl when I first trained them to eat out of my hand because it made them feel more comfortable and they were more likely to be less afraid. Now I can stare at them while they eat but that is because they are used to me now and know I mean them no harm. Talking can be good to. When we first got our peacock Dragon we talked softly to him and he fell asleep! Peafowl don't eat much. Mine will eat just a bit then walk off and do something else. Then after a while they will eat just a bit more. They go back and forth like this all day eating a bit then doing something else. All five of my peafowl don't eat much. When I only had two peafowl they really didn't eat much! Also sometimes new peafowl have to get used to new food if you are feeding her something different from what she is used to. She will realize that is her new food and get used to it, but for now she might not be so used to this new food. We tried all sorts of food for our peafowl before we found what they will eat and not be so picky about. For example something I don't understand is my peafowl like whole corn, but they don't like cracked corn.

Try sitting in the pen and throwing pieces of lettuce out near you to encourage her to get close to you and eat.
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It is a defencive smell like a skunk
wait until you catch one and it poops on you there isn't enough soap and water to get the smell off


OK, I fixed the two words so folks want think I was making Peafowl poop soup
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I agree with Steve.
Peafowl poop is huge, gross and greasy. Never try to remove it when it is fresh, it smears. When it dries it is like some sort of concrete glue.
If you grab them to carry them somewhere and they get excited and poop on you, they poop all over you, it is like a bio-hazard. Kind of like a self defense ploy. Poop all over you and then make a escape.

My Peafowl like grapes, peas and chunks of meat.
Well I guess it is just me...I don't know after smelling dead animals all my life (my dad likes to leave his deer heads out to bleach in the sun and stuff like that) peafowl poop is nothing. Just about every other day I take two plastic scoopers and scoop up their poop from the pen whenever I see it. I then put it on the plants in and outside the pen. For the poo stuck on the nest box wooden top I spray it with water and then scrape it off and it is fine.
Thank u everyone..I feel so much, it's not a sign of sickness..etc

Iam thinking now...I want to move their area further away then where I originally
when my peas get upset they drop some stinky poo.

By the way what kinda soup do you use to get the smell off? Tomato

I caught it Zaz and thought it was funny! Kinda like in the first post they filled the bowel with food. I make so many typos myself, I can laugh at it too.
when my peas get upset they drop some stinky poo.

By the way what kinda soup do you use to get the smell off? Tomato

I caught it Zaz and thought it was funny! Kinda like in the first post they filled the bowel with food. I make so many typos myself, I can laugh at it too.

Sometimes my fingers run faster then my brain can, I try to fix all my typos but sometimes I will let some pass. If you look this post has two
(Soup = Soap, Tell = Until)


OK, I fixed the two words so folks want think I was making Peafowl poop soup
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