Peahen poop..omg and several questions

You got monkey fingers thats all.
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Thanks, but when I open up what she is staying in..even though I leave the door open for her to come outside and she won' wreaks ,,like gag me wreak...

Just thinking what the run would then smell like ..and iam in fear it's to close now to my house...ayayy
Thank u for making me feel better.

Is it reallynthe smell gets better or we just get used to it? Lol

Please..please tell me it's the panic of the move....

Cause , I Dont want to move the run, nor build a new one an acre away.

Wait until you travel 365 miles in the summer time with 5 Peafowl in a Van
way to hot to open the windows so we had to run the A/C. The only time my pens smell is when I walk up on them and they don't know I'm on my way to there pens.


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