Peas for Sale on Craigslist

I usually set my Pea eggs on Sunday night but will wait until Monday, to hear from you, My nephew had some guineas not sure if still does because he was talking about taking some to Bellville, and I know his girlfriend took some roosters and turkeys this past week to Bellville for him.
I might be able to get them on monday if that would be ok with you as well as any others you get from now to monday also do you know anyone who has any guinea eggs or guineas for sale around your area ty linda
Setting guinea eggs with peafowl eggs is a bonus they have taught many wee peas here how to eat as sometimes when i hatch them out they just want to be finger fed

Happy you found some eggs, you have sebees and you could do some egg traiding with them, i have always like those gesse, bought chinese
geese in 2009 to see how well they would do here and never lost a one, i had 32 breeders at the end of last year but downsized to just 4 before winter hit, now i am ready to get the sebees, just gotta find some good quality from a couple places, mabe next spring i will do this
barn700 I talked to my nephew and he has 6 guinea eggs maybe more, he said you could have, I will get them and have them here also, PM me and I will give you my address and cell number if you want eggs.
sounds good to me I love to hatch anything all eggs welcome I just bought some eggs last year to get my seb geese I got 7 eggs hatched 4 one goose layed eggs but there were only 3 and all were infertile but then I got 6 adults this year had to go to michigan to get them a 8 hr drive lol I think I am nuts hope next year we get some fertile eggs so we can spread the joy at a decent price people charged me alot for my eggs too much. there is a chance ya take hatching eggs and they arent gold but some people just think about the profit not the joy the eggs give people in this economy ty all
Kathy if you still have eggs to get rid of I know a lady that will take them. she got 11 from me, I shipped them - near Pittsburgh pa. her incubator malfunctioned and cooked hers :( she said all 11 were doing great, very sad.
anyways - she paid $5 each plus the shipping. she really wants more if anyone can do it.

sorry only ready the first few pages don't know what happened till page 5.... hoping someone can help her.
I can't believe I didn't think to post this on here before!!!
I also have other people who responded to my CL add that I never got to, I know at least two of them would like them shipped. so that would be three people all together.
The market around lake erie is crazy!!! I no more than posted my add and had so many replies I never made it thru my list... so ship to PA :)
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When I do ge my act together I think I'm going to pack eggs in a double box - eggs wrapped in foam, placed in small box with dividers, then that box will go into a larger box with packing peanuts on all six sides. To do that I have to go find the right size boxes the buy foam and peanuts. I will do it eventually, just can't see myself committing to that this season.

I did the box in box too, but they were close in size so no packing inbetween. oh well. hope something works out.
great gramma lives in florida and she says there are peafowl everywhere, so that's a bad market too :)

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