pecking amounst the flock

May 14, 2023
French Village, MO
My flock of girls are really growing. Each one also seems to be growing a personality.
We have three Leghorns; Lucy (Goosey Lucy), who seems to be the security guard,
Chicken Little, who at this point seems to be just a happy go lucky chicken at this point,
and Dixie, who seems to be partners in crime with Chicken Little. Or, perhaps her follower. Whatever
Chicken Little does, like fly the coop, Dixie follows along.
Then we have three White Rocks; Chickaletta, who likes to hog the food pan by sitting in the middle
of it, Henny Penny, who likes to sit around and observe the goings on, and last but certainly not
least, Bob. Bob is the chicken who pulls the other girls tail, because there's no more room on the perch,
and then runs. She's also the one who runs around flapping her wings yelling the sky is falling. Well, not
litterally. And Bob, sits in the doorway of the coop every night with her head peeking out until she goes to sleep.
Oh, did I mention that Bob is always getting pecked on by others?
Which brings us to the actual reason I'm writing this. Do chickens normally peck each other? These guys rare up,
trying to look bigger (I assume), and peck the other on the head.
I've also been curious to know, do chickens sleep with their eyes open?
Thanks so much for taking the time to read my ramblings, and have a Blessed day.
Chickens sleep with their eyes closed. The pecking and fluffing at one another is play/mock fighting and part of how they establish their social standing.
Thank you for your response.
I didn't really think they were being aggressive towards one another, since no one
seemed to be getting hurt, but I wanted to be sure. They do often seem to be
playing, chasing each other.
As for them sleeping with their eyes closed, that question was really bugging me lol.
Our one gal, that sleeps inside the doorway peeking out, sometimes lays her head down
with her eyes open.
Thank you, again.

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