Pecking chick


Apr 11, 2017
I've had my new chicks for about a week and a half now. I have a mixed flock of 11 birds. 3 are Rhode Island Reds. One of them has had a pecking problem since the second we brought her home. She picks on the others non stop. I have separated her and she's not happy but I don't want to wait till she hurts the others. I was hoping she would grow out of it or the other birds would stand up for themselves. Am I going to have to get rid of the bird?? She is sweet other than that, loves to snuggle. Help
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G’Day from down under Pollyschickens

As you have already received links to some good starting points, I will just wish you all the best.

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

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As a breed RIR are known to be aggressive. You might try "pinless peepers on her. Put pinless peepers in the search box to read about them. They prevent the bird from seeing straight ahead, which throws their aim off. If that doesn't work, I would rehome her.
Greetings from Kansas, pollyschickens, and :welcome! Pleased you joined our community! CTKen gave you a ton of great links to explore so I'll just say best wishes and thanks for joining BYC! :cd
Thank you all for the advice! I put her back in with the other chicks and have been disciplining her when she pecks at the others. It worked!!! She's doing great! I would poke her (aggressively) on the back when she did wrong. She was shocked the first time I did it. I also used a spray bottle and sprayed a stream of water right to the face. This worked fast. Who knew you could disciplin a chick

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