Pecking injuries

Hello and welcome to BYC! :welcome
What do you mean by helmets? Helmets for chickens? Are you having bullying issues?
I have 10 15 week old Buff Orpingtons. One rooster. He has pecked the feathers off the top of my 15 week old Black Polish rooster.
You may want to separate your cockerel from the hens during the day to give them a break, until he matures and calms down. It is common for some to grab hold of the back of the neck when mating. Spend some time with them and make sure that he isn’t picking on anyone.
You may want to separate your cockerel from the hens during the day to give them a break, until he matures and calms down. It is common for some to grab hold of the back of the neck when mating. Spend some time with them and make sure that he isn’t picking on anyone.
He doesn’t bother the hens. He hasn’t started mating yet. It’s the other different breed small rooster he’s picking on.

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