Pecking order drama


May 1, 2018
Fredericksburg, Texas
We have some baby chicks that our momma hen is starting to integrate into the flock so I understand that there will be some pecking order drama going on but our laying hens & even our rooster are not letting our orpington pullet onto the roost at night. We have had to put her up on the roost the last 3 nights. She should be starting to lay soon so I don't know if that has something to do with it or if they're just all trying to maintain their higher rank. She has always been our low ranking pullet but she grew up with 2 of our new laying hens so it's just odd to me that all of a sudden they are turning on her. Should I be concerned that she has a hidden illness that they sense or will this drama pass? There is plenty of room on the roost and they free range during the day. We plan on expanding the roost this weekend if it continues this week so she'll have somewhere else to go other than the ground. Anyone have any insight for me? Thanks!
I give mine that get kicked off the roost a pep talk. Kill or be killed I tell them lol jk but i do talk to them and tell them to stop acting like a baby (which is usually why mine are heckled for crying) and sit there and hush up and they wont know your there. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. I have found it to he quite effective with cockerels. Yes I'm aware how crazy that sounds :celebrate:eek:
We have some baby chicks that our momma hen is starting to integrate into the flock so I understand that there will be some pecking order drama going on but our laying hens & even our rooster are not letting our orpington pullet onto the roost at night. We have had to put her up on the roost the last 3 nights. She should be starting to lay soon so I don't know if that has something to do with it or if they're just all trying to maintain their higher rank. She has always been our low ranking pullet but she grew up with 2 of our new laying hens so it's just odd to me that all of a sudden they are turning on her. Should I be concerned that she has a hidden illness that they sense or will this drama pass? There is plenty of room on the roost and they free range during the day. We plan on expanding the roost this weekend if it continues this week so she'll have somewhere else to go other than the ground. Anyone have any insight for me? Thanks!
Where are the broody and her chicks sleeping?
How old are chicks and how long have they be in with flock?
Is the pullet the only one of her age...and how old is she??
Did they let her up on the roost before?
It could well be that as she gets close to laying status there can be some pecking order issues. Putting up another roost for her might be a good idea.
Sorry for all the questions.
Where are the broody and her chicks sleeping?
How old are chicks and how long have they be in with flock?
Is the pullet the only one of her age...and how old is she??
Did they let her up on the roost before?
It could well be that as she gets close to laying status there can be some pecking order issues. Putting up another roost for her might be a good idea.
Sorry for all the questions.
-Our momma and babies are still sleeping in the nesting box, she hasn't taught them to roost yet. They are almost 4 weeks old so I am sure she will soon. They are all in the same coop, we never removed her to make integration easier. She started out keeping them separated from the flock when they were out foraging but this last week she has been keeping them close to the flock.
-The pullet being bullied is now the only pullet left (other than the babies of course). Her friends all started laying a few weeks ago. We think she is on her 24th week, we never knew her exact age because we rescued her.
-They did let her up on the roost before, this is a new development.
-Thank you for responding and taking interest! Never can there be too many questions. ;-)
-The pullet being bullied is now the only pullet left (other than the babies of course). Her friends all started laying a few weeks ago. We think she is on her 24th week, we never knew her exact age because we rescued her.
Well, just cause they're laying doesn't mean they aren't pullets anymore(pullets are pullets until they are one year old, then they are hens).
I'd say the issue is that she is not laying yet...or that she is close, does she look close?
I'd put up another roost, might help with the chicks too.
Well, just cause they're laying doesn't mean they aren't pullets anymore(pullets are pullets until they are one year old, then they are hens).
I'd say the issue is that she is not laying yet...or that she is close, does she look close?
I'd put up another roost, might help with the chicks too.
Yes, you are correct about the pullets. I knew that, lol. Wasn’t thinking straight.

This is my flock:
- Rolo (Cockerel) and Coco (Pullet) are Silver Duckwing Old English Game Bantams
-Lavender is a Lavender Orpington, pullet
-Dottie is a Plymouth Barred Rock, pullet
-Buttercup is a Calico Princess, pullet
-Sugar is a Splash Polish Hen

-Brownie, Angel & Stormy are Easter Egger pullets
-Sky is Rolo & Sugar’s mix, pullet

Lavender is the girl being picked on. It doesn’t look like she is close to laying as far as her comb and wattle but I feel like she should be as far as age goes. We will add another roost for sure to help. Thanks you!
I was lecturing my fat white hood chicken about pecking the comb of the little bantam. I informed her that just because the little bantam is laying tiny delicious eggs doesn't mean she can peck at her all she wants. I shooed her away a few times. Luckily she stopped.

Curious after that she has been making roo sounds to call the hens over to eat when I scatter scratch on the ground for them to peck at. She sounded just like my old Roo Over Easy when he used to call the girls over for treats he found.

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