pecking order, how bad ia too much?


5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
Haleiwa, HI
I have 4 six week old birds, rhode island red, barred Plymouth Rock, Ameraucana and black australop ...
Today I purchased two noee birds, supposedly three weeks old, but they are tiny both are Ideal 236.
They got pecked on a bit today, were allowed to eat just had to stay on the other side of the coop. I locked them in the coop at night time, it doesnt get too cold here ... maybe 70, I heard yhe little ones scream and the barred rock and rir where pecking in the little ones. I decided to keep them indoors at nights.
I am a first time chicken owner, how do I approach this?
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I have 4 six week old birds, rhode island red, barred Plymouth Rock, Ameraucana and black australop ...
Today I purchased two noee birds, supposedly three weeks old, but they are tiny both are Ideal 236.
They got pecked on a bit today, were allowed to eat just had to stay on the other side of the coop. I locked them in the coop at night time, it doesnt get too cold here ... maybe 70, I heard yhe little ones scream and the barred rock and rir where pecking in the little ones. I decided to keep them indoors at nights.
I am a first time chicken owner, how do I approach this?

I am new to here as well but I am kind of thinking the problem is not pecking order as much as introduction to the existing flock.

Check out some of the posts on how to introduce new chicks to existing flock.
They are in a coop with run. Free range 2-3 hrs a day, younger ones won't till they get bigger and won't fit through the fence. At night they are in the coop locked up

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