Pecking order or flat out bullying? Help?


8 Years
Jul 20, 2012
Lancaster Ohio
Okay 2 different coops 2 different Chickens. One coop I have a hen that doesn't seem to want to mate, but the other hens are picking on her too, she stays in the nesting boxes hidden away. They won't let her eat or anything. Now in my other coop this just started, mostly the rooster picking on one hen and she hides at from him and screams when he gets near her, and when he does catch her he doesn't try to mount her he just pecks at her, and some of the other hens are too. WHat the hell is going on? They never acted like this before and they are all 2 years old and more. Should I remove them from the coops and isolate them? The one hiding in the nesting boxes, is causing me to have broken eggs. I have to do something soon. Anyone got any clues?
Can you check over the two hens and make sure neither are showing signs of sickness or injury? Chickens 'will' attack and potentially kill other chickens who may be sick. I would definitely isolate both of them so they can eat and drink and walk around in peace. You'll be better able to determine if something is wrong.
Sounds like your birds are trying to eliminate these 2 birds in particular from the flock. Animals show this behavior when there is something physically, mentally, or genetically wrong with them. I suggest removing both birds and checking them over for illness, infection, or defects.
Agreed with above, they pick on the weakest link.

Check the vent for mites , and mite eggs . Under wings too. Let’s hope that’s all that’s wrong with them ,

A chicken that’s all alone is usually a sick chicken .... they hide it sit in nesting boxes when not feeling well

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