Pecking Order Question

We started the one-by-onr merge using the most docile older first. Poor thing paced the fence all day trying to figure out why she wasn't with the others. I think she thought she was being punished. Bless her heart. LOL She never paid attention to the younger ones. Merging the next up the line tomorrow. So far so good.
Awesome! Glad to hear it's going well.

My 8 are surviving and the little ones are now starting to hold their own =) They were playing keep away with some cabbage from the 12wk olds.. Looks like everyone is getting their share of food and water since I added more feeders, too.

I am going to try your merging idea tonight, with the coop. The babies go in on their own now at dusk, and the 3 older girls stay down (fortunately we have a dog who loooves to keep them safe). I am going to add the more docile 12wk old to the coop tonight. They seem to do well in the run, all mixed in. I am anxious about the coop, though (since it is smaller and roosting takes place).

Just curious, though I know it doesn't go here- do you have a pic of your girls? =) I'd love to see them!

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