Pecking order?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 18, 2013
So I had a hen go broody and let her hatch the chick in the nesting box and moved her and her baby somewhere else, that was 5 weeks ago, I just put her and her baby back in the coop with the others and I'm not seeing much more than warning pecks to the chick. I've heard horror stories (and seen some rough stuff of my own happen) about hens not accepting the mom and chick back. I have 4 hens and a rooster at the moment and one is ooc because she just hatched 4 chicks of her own earlier today. Will the fighting come later or do I have just a really accepting flock? Also the chick is a cockerel
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Your chick and hen should be ok usually if the hen is higher up in the pecking order they respect her and accept her chicks into the flock
Every flock and set up is different. Depends a lot on the broody, the amount of available space, your pecking order, and your flock dynamics. Generally, if you have plenty of space available, best to let Mama and babies integrate in the first 2 weeks while her broody defense hormones are still raging. She'll defend babies, and integration should go well, unless she's a wimp, or your coop is crowded.

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