Peeping egg was moved. 😥


In the Brooder
Jul 17, 2021
My bantam Cochin is sitting on 4 eggs. The first one to hatch is due tomorrow. My daughter and I checked on them as momma leaves the nest for about 10 minutes every morning after we let them out of their coop. Anyway she heard it peeping and before I could tell her not to touch it she picked it up and moved It around and back into the nest. Now I’m freaking out that it’s going to die. Help please. Good or bad I need to know!
New chicken momma
To me that is nothing to worry about. Not a big deal. I'd leave it alone and let Mama take care of things.

I don't have a clue what you might gain by candling an egg that is peeping and due to hatch at any time. I just don't see any benefit from that. You are not going to change anything no matter what you see.

Unless your daughter dropped it or cracked it she did no harm. I understand and applaud you for showing your daughter what is going on, it is an exciting time. And I know how quick these kids can be. Try to teach her that grabbing is probably not a good thing to do, but don't let your attitude ruin the experience for her. It should be a happy exciting time.
To me that is nothing to worry about. Not a big deal. I'd leave it alone and let Mama take care of things.

I don't have a clue what you might gain by candling an egg that is peeping and due to hatch at any time. I just don't see any benefit from that. You are not going to change anything no matter what you see.

Unless your daughter dropped it or cracked it she did no harm. I understand and applaud you for showing your daughter what is going on, it is an exciting time. And I know how quick these kids can be. Try to teach her that grabbing is probably not a good thing to do, but don't let your attitude ruin the experience for her. It should be a happy exciting time.
Thanks. My daughter will be 12 next month. She’s autistic. I know she didn’t mean any harm. I just got super worried! Since I’m new with chickens (1 year) this is the first time my hen has gone broody and she’s not even a year old yet so I have many worries but I’m prepared shall she decides not to want to mother them.
I worry too much sometimes lol! Thank you for your kind words. I feel a bit better! Lol

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