Peeping Toms...

A.T. Hagan :

Have you always felt like birds were watching you or is this a recent development?

Lie down on this couch here and let's talk about it.

I get mysterious knocks on my door which sets the dogs off barking. They sound just like someone knocking and then you hear a little scuffle, the dogs start barking and I go to answer the door.
no one is ever their, but the girls are all looking at me from the walk-way. I wish they would stop unless they were really interested in buying eggs

You could always report the peeping toms to the....Chicken police? lol

Fry up a nice big batch of chicken. Arrange the dining room table around a window and make sure the peepers can see you enjoying it.

Nevermind, that won't work. My chickens had leftover chicken for breakfast.

The table in the kitchen is right in front of all the windows. It is a row of about 7 windows going around. I have their tin can with their feed stashed there.
The dogs now sit outside and watch through the windows to see if we are coming to let them in.

Stop Watching Me!

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