Pekin attacked by bobcat 😭😭😭


Dec 19, 2022
Our poor girl was attacked by a bobcat about an hour ago and it managed to grab her neck through the fence. She's conscious and alert but in shock and lethargic. She has 4 punctures around her jaw and neck and the only vet willing to see her is 2 hours away. Anyone have any ideas or tips? We are so worried and she is our egg machine that has layed over 95 eggs in the last 100 days. Tia!
I have her in my bedroom resting. She has been drinking, so that's good. I just feel bad about separating her from her drake. She's still in shock and in pain, I'm sure. No vets will see her within a 2 hour drive and I've called 20ish vets. That's very aggravating.
Sure is where is their compassion?

she needs to rest and have quiet the fact she is drinking is a good sign. If there is a way to let them see each other without the possibility of him wanting to mate then Maybe you could try that.
OK, wow, what a day. I ended up downloading the Airvet app and doing a televisit with a vet. He recommended putting her on Amoxicillin and Cyprofloxacin, which thankfully we have always. I just needed to go get a scale to get an accurate weight. He said cats are really bad due to the bacteria they have in their mouths and gave her a 20% chance. The bite area is swelling and her activity has lessened. I'm so heartbroken and praying our girl pulls through. I might put the 2 of them in a kennel together but with a divider. They are absolutely inseparable and she is everything to our drake, as he is to her. 💔😥
OK, wow, what a day. I ended up downloading the Airvet app and doing a televisit with a vet. He recommended putting her on Amoxicillin and Cyprofloxacin, which thankfully we have always. I just needed to go get a scale to get an accurate weight. He said cats are really bad due to the bacteria they have in their mouths and gave her a 20% chance. The bite area is swelling and her activity has lessened. I'm so heartbroken and praying our girl pulls through. I might put the 2 of them in a kennel together but with a divider. They are absolutely inseparable and she is everything to our drake, as he is to her. 💔😥View attachment 3432129
If you get on the meds right away her chances are much better from bacteria infection
Yes cats are nasty
Poor girl
I hope she pulls through
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