Pekin drakes


Jun 16, 2020
Hi everyone, in august I hatched 4 lovely pekin ducks and i have 3 boys and 1 girl. The boys are beginning to get aggressive so I’m deciding whether to move the girl in with my hens or give the boys to my neighbour who would like them (not for eating) my neighbour has a massive pond as well and I want to do what’s best for the drakes. Do you think they would be happier with my neighbour rather than with me? I’m definitely keeping the girl as she is so lovely she even comes and sits on your knee and if quite like some duck egg now and again.
Maybe keep a drake and the female together? That way she'd still be able to have a duck friend.

Definitely give the other 2 to your neighbor. 3 drakes per 1 hen is way too many. Smart move 👍
Maybe keep a drake and the female together? That way she'd still be able to have a duck friend.

Definitely give the other 2 to your neighbor. 3 drakes per 1 hen is way too many. Smart move 👍

Thanks so much for the help, I was thinking of getting 2 more females to keep her company as I’ve already bought a duck house, do you think she’d get along with them? I don’t want her to be lonely,
Thank you
Thanks so much for the help, I was thinking of getting 2 more females to keep her company as I’ve already bought a duck house, do you think she’d get along with them? I don’t want her to be lonely,
Thank you
I think that's a great idea. I personally like the idea of hatching my own ducks so would keep 1 male and get 2 or 3 more females. Have a plan for extra drakes next spring if you do that though.
I'd keep the biggest drake to keep with your girl. ATM I've got 17 seven week old Pekin ducklings and I'm going to pick out 2 of there biggest drakes and eat what ever other drakes are left. But might put one drake down at this farm I've just started working at. Because we will be starting a chook duck and quail farm

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