Pekin Duck Club!

Okay everyone got another question, my female pekin has started sitting on her eggs, granted there is like 20+ eggs in there I think. Anyway she spends most of the day off them but before she leaves the nest she has the eggs in little pockets and then covers them up with straw and such from her bedding. Should I just remove the eggs or let her continue to sit on them? The weather here is still in the mid 80's during the day and the lows only get to maybe 55. So what should I do, pull the eggs or let her continue to sit on them?

I would be apprehensive about a duck going broody this late in the year. Ducks are seasonal brooders and normally are broody spring and summer and are finished with their broodiness by fall season.
So my hen duck didn't hat he last set of eggs so I threw them away. Now she's back at it again. She has laid 5 eggs so far and she is sitting on them. She walks away to eat swim and then goes back to the eggs. She hisses when we get near her nest.
I only have 2 pekin ducks, mother and daughter (I hatched the daughter). Mom is 1.5 yrs old and daughter is 7mo and has not laid any eggs yet. Mom (Natasha) is not laying right now either and she has never gone broody. I have read that Pekins are not broody as other breeds, but I have read that runner ducks are not either and a few of mine are very broody; every chance they get. I think there are always exceptions to the rules. IMO, just my thoughts and opinion.
hope this helps someone.
Hey I can't remember how to start a new discussion but my ducks have now got a little friend. A mouse has decided he likes our garden and the yucks house I'm worried he may give them a desease or they might kill him I don't know what to do. I do not want to kill it as I don't agree with killing animals for no purpose
Hey I can't remember how to start a new discussion but my ducks have now got a little friend. A mouse has decided he likes our garden and the yucks house I'm worried he may give them a desease or they might kill him I don't know what to do. I do not want to kill it as I don't agree with killing animals for no purpose
@missdoll Mice and rats do carry disease so any droppings you come in contact with could def pose a problem. As for ducks I am not sure but if you leave feed out over night take it up when you put your ducks to bed. That will help to get the mouse to move on. I feed all my flock outside and take everything up when they go in for the night, I try my best to clean up spilled feed but some still remains and i am sure the mice come after dark and eat but i haven't seen any signs of them inside my houses. I know my Muscovy's will eat mice I haven't actually seen them do it but they will eat frogs and they are larger so I've heard they will eat mice too. I'd think if a duck can catch it they will eat it.
Thank you I see the mouse in the day a lot. We have thought about maybe feeding at set times. We have food available at all times I could take it out of the house at night but I always see the mouse in the day.
Thank you I see the mouse in the day a lot. We have thought about maybe feeding at set times. We have food available at all times I could take it out of the house at night but I always see the mouse in the day.
I have seen a mouse here during the day too. It always comes around when everyone is up on the hill foraging. Smart lil thing. If you don't want to catch it then Nothing you can do but leave it alone.
Bear with me here, Folks! I'm a newbie so I'm not sure if I'm in the right thread / forum?? See, I don't even know the lingo! LOL
That being said, I'm as clueless about these Pekins as I am about navigating through this site!
I'll catch on...
So, I'm a Peking Mom by default. I moved into a house with 6 ducks in a ridiculously small pen and a rooster and a hen roaming freely. They had no food or water! In July! In CALIFORNIA!!!
Flash forward to today. I have a drake and a hen. About a month ago I actually started paying attention to them rather than just feeding and watering. I opened up their pen and they now cruise the property at their leasure, obviously still having access to the pen and nesting box. My hen started laying eggs about 6 days ago, to the best of my knowledge, as there are 6 eggs. Ok so there's a little background. Clearly these birds are not attached to me but it seemed for a few days they were actually happy to see me. Then about 3 days ago they decided to freeze me out! I'm not kidding these ducks are P O'd. They won't eat while I'm around. They don't acknowledge me. They've gone so far as to seek privacy in the very tall weeds to have their "encounters". They used to do it EVERYWHERE in plain site. I have no idea what I did to offend these birds or how to (apologize?) They started to be kind of cute so instead of just keeping them alive I started to think of them as pets. So this bothers me whereas a few months ago I wouldn't have even noticed. I'm open to any and all advice, suggestions, pass around knowledge! TYIA
ALSO, today they started (chewing), for lack of a better term, nothing. They are just lying around the fire pit, looking up to the sky, chewing! Anyone familiar with this behavior?
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