Pekin Duck Club!

One of these days I'm going to walk outside and have a dozen grown Pekins stampede me! :gig





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Good move.  Please keep us posted. (c:

I definitely will. She's seems fine just that I can hear her breath. She's my only Pekin but all of my other ducks are silent breathers. Maybe just how she is, but I'm keeping ear and eye out to make sure nothing else comes up or changes in any way. She's in bathtub with a blanket and one of her flock mates tonight.
Are these some you spent alot of time with because usually when there are that many they don't want to have much interaction with us humans. 

I have spent quite a bit of time with these, I usually sit in the brooder and hand feed them at night and during the day when they're outside I'll go out every once in a while and sit in the outside pen and offer them things like kale or collards or just let them come climb all over me without food. I just got them to the point where they don't run away when I stand up. :yesss:

However, I only started this about five days ago and they've come a long way from where they were.
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T-Relief has comfrey in it, I think if you call a drugstore they may have it, or a health food store might have it.

Or if you have access to comfrey, you can actually just make a strong comfrey tea, add the Epsom salt to that, and use that for the compress.  Remember to let it cool before applying it to the ducky leg!!!!! ;)

Or you can make an oil infusion by soaking comfrey leaves - a wadded up fistful - in a pint of warmed olive oil overnight.  Then squeeze the leaves (I press them with a spoon in a strainer), compost the leaves and use the oil.  Just dab a few drops on the leg, rub it in.

Makes a great facial treatment, too, by the way.
[/One of my small girls just experienced the same thing. Favoring leg, no weight on it but no obvious signs of stress or injury. I do have comfrey just coming up in the garden. What method do you recommend in applying a compress and how long should it be held there and how often should it be done?
T-Relief has comfrey in it, I think if you call a drugstore they may have it, or a health food store might have it.

Or if you have access to comfrey, you can actually just make a strong comfrey tea, add the Epsom salt to that, and use that for the compress.  Remember to let it cool before applying it to the ducky leg!!!!! ;)

Or you can make an oil infusion by soaking comfrey leaves - a wadded up fistful - in a pint of warmed olive oil overnight.  Then squeeze the leaves (I press them with a spoon in a strainer), compost the leaves and use the oil.  Just dab a few drops on the leg, rub it in.

Makes a great facial treatment, too, by the way.

Goofed up my first quote so here goes again. One of my small girls just experienced the same thing. Favoring leg, no weight on it but no obvious signs of stress or injury. I do have comfrey just coming up in the garden. What method do you recommend in applying a compress and how long should it be held there and how often should it be done?

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