Pekin Duck Club!

That's so cool! Our Pekins won't let us near them...Raised together with constant handling then one day, bamm, mob mentality took over...However, our Muscovies won't leave us alone!...With me, it's the best, I can sit with them and they'll be like bookends sitting next to me on steps or porch..The wife is another story, they really "like" her and want to be "very" close to her every moment and let little stand in their way...I've missed some classic youtube moments watching her around them...Downside is I had to fence in an acre for the chickens/ducks so she could work in yard without getting jumped by horny 15lb ducks! These are the boys, Pinky and Mr Stuff!

Haha that's hilarious she must be a good looking duck :p. Drake muscovies look so funny with their big red faces. The Pekins only let me touch them and are happy to groom and talk to me if I'm sitting other then that only my drake will came up for a chat while I'm standing or walking around. Which is funny to see as he kind of stretches himself up and rasps at me like "You up there! Give me attention" and he does his little head bob dance when I let them out of a morning. They all are a bit wary of my partner but he kinda just ignores them mostly any who.
Not sure she has definitely gotten better. When she saw me she used to run away squeaking now she just stands back and watches me. I got her as an adult and she hadn't had any handling, hopefully one day she will come around. My drake is the most tame his a big smoocher.
OMG babies! They grow so quick. You will find the one that is still peeping might possibly be a male. The ducks tend to develop a quack where as the drakes peep until they're adults then it turns into a raspy croak sort of thing. He may (if he is a he) harm your chickens. I had a drake I had to get rid of as he was aggressive and started to become aggressive with people, my current boy though couldn't care less about the chickens and is much more friendly towards people.
Ahh, she sounds sweet. I hope she comes around too. It looks like she slowly is if she's getting closer. Your drake is a love. I like it when ducks are affectionate.

I am new to Pekins. We have 2 6 week old Pekins. My hope was both would be female, but I am thinking one is a male. I have a very vocal one (a deeper honk type sound) and one that still kinda cheeps (has never sounded much different as he/she gets older).

My question is-
I also have 6 hens. All 8 of these ladies (6 chickens 2 ducks) have been raised together from day one... They really hate being separated. However, if this duckling is a drake will he hurt the rest of them? Currently they all share a run but the ducks have their own house for nighttime. I just do not know what is best for them and would rather handle it sooner than later, if possible.

So cute. Kisses for both of them!!!
Due to chance of injury, it is best to vent sex only when ducklings are very young. "Voices" can be heard as young as 8 wks. Best bet is to wait for the drake curl, and/or a quack + an egg.
Due to chance of injury, it is best to vent sex only when ducklings are very young. "Voices" can be heard as young as 8 wks. Best bet is to wait for the drake curl, and/or a quack + an egg.
Just curious, I would think, and obviously wrongly LOL, the risk would be higher when young, why does it go up with a little age?
Just curious, I would think, and obviously wrongly LOL, the risk would be higher when young, why does it go up with a little age?
I'm not sure either but I've heard you should only to do it in the first few weeks. I don't think I personally would ever attempt it due to the risk of disembowelling your duckling. Its safest to wait a while for the change in voice. When they are around 6 weeks the duck will start to quack where as a drake still peeps until he has his adult feathers then his voice will change into a raspy husky sound.... the drake curl doesn't come for a long time as the eggs in the ducks.

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