Pekin Duck Club!

Hi everyone! Is been a busy week with all the snow we've been getting here. Welcome to all our new members, please send me a private message so I can update the members list! Thanks :)
Im new to these guys but are they always messy with there water?

Oh yes, they are messy with their water alright. I have to change our large water can everyday and I even have a special tray under it to catch any overspills. They like to get it the tray all muddy and put their food into. It's just a duck thing I Enjoy your ducks, they are so fun.
I have looked into the bow-legs, spraddle legs and I started adding Niacin to their food. I am also going to buy some brewer's yeast when I can get to the store. I got my ducks from someone on CL and they are so skiddish. I am trying to get them used to me but they constantly freak out. Hopefully they will get used to me the more I'm around. I wish they were a little younger so I could have held them more without them freaking out so much. Also I put them outside in the baby pool with a some warm water and they freaked out about that. Do ducks need to get used to water or are is in their nature to just love it?
I am A Peking Duck Raiser! of 6! I Live in Michigan.. Winters can be Nasty here! But I keep them in a pen with a Light bulb burning heat too them .. And I keep the feed and Water and Straw coming ... They Appreciate that.. it's been 5 years for me..I have Lost 3 since I started.. One was Blind in one eye from a birth defect and neighbors German Sheperd got at him on his blind side! Was a sad day! the other was the slow one in the back and somehow got eaten by a Raacoon " I'm Thinking she walked past the den and it decided to reach out for a bite! We found the Den and seen feathers.. My Last one was my worst ! His name was Daisy! LOL! I Miss Sexed Him when I got him! HA HA!!! My Son had missed A Day of feeding my ducks and So I went out and fed them starting with the water .. A little warm so it wouldn't freeze! Water Came first then I scooped out some grain and dumped it into the bin for all of them too eat.. Not Good! Daisy seen feed and Gobbled over it and totally packed his throat full of feed and the next thing I seen was My Favorite Duck of ALL Passing out in the back of the pen.. I panicked and opened up the service door I built too the back of the pen and there He Lay'd Out cold! I Knew I wasn't going to be able too dislodge all of the 4 inches of solid feed He had packed into his throat.. This Precious Duck Got a Head Stone! I Loved him Very Much and will miss him... I now know that if your ducks get a day in that they are not fed then you need to feed them with a shallow pan rather than a Bowl of feed!~ Please Learn this too! So Now I have 3 - Two females and One male .. They are Beautiful on my 1/2 acre Pond. I will adopt more.. So if needed for a friend.

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